Introducing self-organizing neuro-fuzzy Q-networks

Trained with unsupervised learning and finished with an offline model-free fuzzy reinforcement learning approach called fuzzy conservative Q-learning (FCQL), this approach offers more effective and interpretable policies than deep neural networks, while facilitating human-in-the-loop design and explainability.

Code demonstrating our proposed method is publicly available.

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John Wesley Hostetter ☕️

John Wesley Hostetter

Graduate Research Assistant

North Carolina State University

John Wesley Hostetter is the owner and developer of PySoft - a flexible Python Soft Computing library, as well as a Ph.D. candidate of Computer Science at North Carolina State University since the Fall of 2019. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science at Penn State and NC State University, respectively. John is currently in the process of graduating with his Ph.D. degree after he earned an unconditional pass for the successful defense of his dissertation.

His research interests are concerned with how a mathematical field studying impreciseness called fuzzy logic may aid in re-imagining function approximation in artificial intelligence. More specifically, he develops alternatives to artificial neural networks that are more interpretable called self-organizing neuro-fuzzy networks. These self-organizing neuro-fuzzy networks have the same power as artificial neural networks, but can explain their decision-making. With his adviser, Dr. Min Chi, they leverage this novel and interpretable function approximation technique to improve undergraduate STEM education.

John has worked as a graduate teaching assistant in courses such as: Java Programming Concepts; Automata, Grammars & Computability; Automated Learning & Data Analysis. He has also worked as an assistant instructor for two courses at NC State’s Artificial Intelligence Academy: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, in addition to his graduate research assistant role.


Soft Computing

Fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, rough sets, approximate reasoning, impreciseness, vagueness, uncertainty

Machine Learning

Supervised/unsupervised/reinforcement learning


Experience with PyTorch, Optuna, iGraph, etc.


North Carolina State University
Graduate Research Assistant
January 2021 – Present Raleigh, NC
Create novel systematic design processes for self-organizing offline fuzzy reinforcement learning.
Artificial Intelligence Academy
Teaching Assistant
July 2022 – Present Raleigh, NC
Assist in teaching workshops about introductory topics within artificial intelligence and machine learning.
North Carolina State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant
August 2021 – December 2021 Raleigh, NC
CSC 422/522 Automated Learning and Data Analysis (68 students enrolled in CSC 422; 150 students enrolled in CSC 522), an introduction to concepts and methods for extracting knowledge or other useful forms of information from data. Proctored exams, designed homework, prepared solutions, created rubrics, graded and held office hours.
North Carolina State University
Graduate Research Assistant
January 2021 – August 2021 Raleigh, NC
Knowledge distillation of trained artificial neural networks and the development of temporal granule pattern mining.
North Carolina State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant
August 2020 – December 2020 Raleigh, NC
CSC 422/522 Automated Learning and Data Analysis (45 students enrolled in CSC 422; 107 students enrolled in CSC 522), an introduction to concepts and methods for extracting knowledge or other useful forms of information from data. Proctored exams, designed homework, prepared solutions, created rubrics, graded and held office hours.
North Carolina State University
Graduate Service Assistant
May 2020 – August 2020 Raleigh, NC
Developed workshops for the Artificial Intelligence Academy’s Data Mining course offered by NC State.
North Carolina State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant
January 2020 – May 2020 Raleigh, NC
CSC 333 Automata, Grammars, and Computability (69 students enrolled), an introductory course for the theory of computation. Reviewed homeworks/exams for correctness, created grading rubrics and teacher solutions, graded student submissions, and proctored exams. Held office hours weekly to assist students’ learning, and answered student questions on Piazza as well.
North Carolina State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant
August 2019 – December 2019 Raleigh, NC
Supervised and taught two programming lab sessions (23 students in each) of CSC 216 Programming Concepts - Java. Held office hours to help answer students’ questions, graded coursework/projects, and proctored exams.
Global Data Consultants IT Solutions
Application Developer Intern
June 2018 – August 2018 Mechanicsburg, PA
Collaborated in the development of an application for both iOS and Android platforms using Xamarin Forms to assist the company’s clients in approving/rejecting timesheets of contractors.

Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants & Awards

Academic Enhancement Grant
NCSU Tuition/Fees Grant
Student Travel Grant
Summer Graduate Fellowship
Summer Graduate Merit Award
Graduate Student Support Plan
Fellowship Graduate Merit Award
Dean’s Scholarship


Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2023). XAI to Increase the Effectiveness of an Intelligent Pedagogical Agent. In IVA.


(2023). Bridging Declarative, Procedural, and Conditional Metacognitive Knowledge Gap Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. In CogSci.

PDF Cite

(2023). Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Metacognitive Interventions across Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In AIED.

PDF Cite


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